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2004-07-09 - 7:27 p.m.

It's been awhile again. I apologize. Anyway, I have an entire entry that I'm going to dedicate to this past Tuesday. Ben surprised me with a trip to SeaWorld. I haven't uploaded the photos yet but as soon as I do, I'll be sure to make an entry for ya'll.

In the meantime, you get Blah Michele. Blah Michele typically doesn't enter Diaryland. Diaryland is usually reserved for Happy Michele, Bubbly Michele, Observational Michele and even the occasional Irritated Michele.

I don't really have a good reason to feel bummed out. Truly I don't. But I do. In fact, I had to change the MusicChoice channel because it was starting to make me weepy. Ugh. Nothing is worse than Weepy Michele. Well, there is one thing. Crying-Out-Of-Control-With-Snot-Running-Down-Her-Face Michele is considerably worse than Weepy Michele.

Blah Michele doesn't feel like cleaning up the kitchen or finishing the laundry. Yeah. Blah Michele hasn't collided with OCD Michele as of yet today. I'm trying to keep them separated because the results could quite possibly be disastrous.

How pathetic is this. It's 7:30pm on a Friday night, I'm 29 years old and I feel like going to bed. Just crawling under the covers and going to sleep.

The worse part about Blah Michele is not having anyone to whine to over the phone. I used to have someone in my life like that and although I don't miss that person specifically, I miss the idea of having someone to call any time I feel down in the dumps or just want to be cheered up a bit.

Does that sound completely pitiful? That Blah Michele feels a need to rely on someone else to pick her up from her boot-straps and give her a swift kick in the pants and a hearty dose of cheerfulness??

Well, OCD Michele just walked in and politely told Blah Michele that she'll actually feel a little better if she cleans up the kitchen, washes the dishes, swaps over the laundry and THEN crawls into bed.

I think Blah Michele agrees.

Thought Of The Day: "When women are depressed, they eat or go shopping. Men invade another country. It's a whole different way of thinking." --Elayne Boolser

Until next time...peace, love & HEALTH!!!

ps-- the medical bill situation has been resolved. the doctor's office realized that it was their fault because Quest Diagnostics was all over my paperwork and chart. so, the doctor has to eat that bill. hooray!

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